
Although I’m still trying to understand the best ways for me to use Twitter, I really do like the TwitterFeed application.

I use TwitterFeed to feed blog posts (like this one) to Twitter. I have it set to check for new posts on all my blogs, and it updates Twitter for me automatically.

It meets several of my criteria:
it’s very easy to set up and use,
it’s intuitive,
it’s reliable,
it’s free.

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No Responses

  1. I use it too. I’m glad I was able to figure it out.

  2. jeremae says:

    twitter is a good way to generate traffic…
    but for me, im using the twitter plugin in wordpress to automatically tweet my posts…

    im using twitter application in facebook,
    to automatically update my status in every blog post..
    im not sure with blogger though if they have twitter plugin… but the twitterfeed seems a great tool too..