Monthly Archive: January 2009

Top Droppers for January

Top Droppers for January

Thank you so much to my top droppers for January. If you want to know more about this, please visit EntreCard And thank you to Barako Brew for the cool Top Dropper logo. Search...



We had a power outage during the winter snow storm that hit much of the midwest so my kids and I decided to dig out our old Balderdash game (I had to take a...



I joined Twitter several weeks ago and I’ve been somewhat disappointed. I didn’t quite know what to expect but the onslaught of conversation is HUGE and a little overwhelming. There are SO many side...

Julia Spencer-Fleming Series

Julia Spencer-Fleming Series

Along with the Donna Leon series I described in an earlier post, I’m reading this mystery series by Julia Spencer-Fleming. The main characters are Clare Fergusson, who is an Episcopalian reverend, and Russ Van...

EntreCard Top Blogger Day 1/31

EntreCard Top Blogger Day 1/31

You’ve probably seen all these little yellow E’s on people’s blogs with “Drop” under them. These are for EntreCard which is a fast-growing blogging network where bloggers visit and “drop” their virtual business card...



Since you know I love online shopping and I love coupons, I found this great site where users input coupon codes they have found for retailers. I was getting ready to purchase security software...

Christmas Decorations

Christmas Decorations

I guess it’s time to take the Christmas decorations down and store them away for another year. Yes, I know it’s almost the end of January, but the house looks so festive when we...

Sally Watson books

Sally Watson books

I first read “Witch of the Glens” by Sally Watson when I was in 4th or 5th grade and it is still one of my favorite books. I was so excited when Sally’s books...



I’m a recycling fan so I’m very happy to have found that our local center takes a majority of the items we dispose. There are about 10 big bins for plastics, mixed paper, cardboard,...

The Memorist by M. J. Rose

The Memorist by M. J. Rose

I just finished “The Memorist” by M. J. Rose which is a sequel to “The Reincarnationist”. They were fun page-turners about a search for memory tools which help people to unlock their past life...