Monthly Archive: June 2013

Karl Alexander

Karl Alexander

I love books about time travel so I wanted to read these two by Karl Alexander about H G Wells, his time machine, and Jack the Ripper. I much preferred the sequel to the...

Tasha Alexander

Tasha Alexander

I just finished “And Only to Deceive” by Tasha Alexander, and I’m ready to read more of the series. It’s set in Victorian England and Lady Emily is a widow so that gives her...

HTML Rotate

HTML Rotate

The free banner rotator service that I use for my websites  has stopped displaying ads and has notified me that they will probably discontinue the service. Bummer. So I was on a scramble to...

Jennifer Lee Carrell

Jennifer Lee Carrell

“Haunt Me Still” is the second in the series by Jennifer Lee Carrell featuring Kate Stanley who is a Shakespearian scholar who finds herself in a race to discover a lost Shakespeare play. One...